
The Manufactured Crisis of Wokeness: A Pathway to Fascism

The term “woke,” once a celebrated call for awareness and empathy in addressing systemic injustices, has been distorted beyond recognition. Right-wing forces have weaponized it, crafting a false narrative of cultural warfare that distracts from the real threats to democracy. A recent Twitter exchange with “Bob,” a self-described moderate, epitomized this dynamic. His arguments, couched in critiques of “woke culture” and “cancel culture,” not only revealed the manipulation at play but also underscored the dire consequences of complacency in the face of rising authoritarianism.

Bob’s initial assertion that “both sides” are equally to blame reflects a dangerous false equivalence. By framing empathy and social progress as overreach, he inadvertently aligns with those dismantling democracy under the guise of fighting “wokeness.” This narrative perpetuates a myth: that societal progress is a threat rather than the cornerstone of Western values. Bob’s dismissal of systemic issues as liberal overreach ignores the deliberate disinformation campaigns that manipulate public perception. It’s not a “woke mind virus” infecting our democracies—it’s decades of fear-mongering designed to erode trust in democratic institutions.

The backlash against empathy, epitomized by Bob’s endorsement of “parasitic empathy,” is emblematic of a broader cultural dehumanization. Empathy isn’t a parasite; it’s the foundation of human rights, inclusion, and equality. These liberal ideals are not threats but bulwarks against the very divisions exploited by authoritarian movements. Yet, Bob’s argument hinges on the notion that voters knowingly choose authoritarianism, dismissing the role of disinformation in distorting free will. This engineered consent transforms democracy into a façade, where choices are manipulated through fear and propaganda.

Bob’s critique of liberal “failures” to address societal fears reveals a troubling self-centered perspective that ignores historical context. As a member of Generation X, I can’t help but reflect on the generational apathy that left us grappling with the consequences of unchecked neoliberalism. Men like Bob, who now lament the state of the world, conveniently overlook their role in fostering the conditions that birthed Trumpism. Their critique of “wokeness” as a scapegoat for societal woes is not only misguided but also profoundly hypocritical.

The rise of authoritarianism isn’t a natural consequence of liberal overreach; it’s a calculated assault on democracy. Bob’s insistence that the left “pushed too hard, too fast” ignores the reality that progress has always faced resistance. From civil rights to marriage equality, every step forward has been met with backlash. Yet, this resistance doesn’t justify retreat; it demands resilience. The paradox of tolerance teaches us that tolerating intolerance leads to the erosion of democratic principles. Bob’s plea for “moderation” in the face of rising fascism is a dangerous call for complacency.

Finally, Bob’s fixation on “cancel culture” and “woke pendulums” reveals a deep-seated discomfort with accountability. The critique of cancel culture is often a thinly veiled defense of privilege—a refusal to confront the harm caused by unchecked bigotry. This resistance to change underscores a broader fear of losing dominance, a fear weaponized by authoritarian leaders to consolidate power.

My conversation with Bob highlights a troubling trend: the branding of liberal values as threats to democracy. This narrative, perpetuated by right-wing propaganda, not only distracts from the real dangers but also accelerates our march toward authoritarianism. It’s time to reject this false dichotomy and reaffirm the principles that uphold democracy—empathy, inclusion, and accountability. The fight against fascism demands not moderation but a relentless commitment to justice, even if it makes me (or anyone else) uncomfortable.

Dissecting Bob’s 2024 Election Myths

In my ongoing exchanges with Bob, I’ve dissected his misconceptions and flawed narratives about the 2024 U.S. election, particularly his claim that “radical leftists” were responsible for Donald Trump’s victory. This discussion began when I summarized his earlier points—namely, that Trump’s win represented widespread fear of the left. My initial rebuttal outlined how the election results were far from organic, shaped instead by an unprecedented combination of disinformation, voter suppression, and targeted manipulation by both foreign and domestic actors.

I emphasized the role of foreign disinformation campaigns, including Russia’s involvement in spreading chaos—ranging from issuing over 70 bomb threats to leveraging online propaganda aimed at depressing turnout among Gen Z and minorities. Bob ignored the reality that while Trump did secure more votes than in 2016, he won by the narrowest of margins in key swing states, largely due to these targeted efforts to suppress voter engagement among demographics that typically lean Democratic.

As our discussion progressed, Bob shifted his focus to blaming the Democrats for their perceived failures, doubling down on the idea that liberal policies and so-called “radical wokeness” alienated voters. In response, I highlighted how billions of dollars were spent on amplifying fear-mongering narratives about the left, portraying progressives as a dire threat to American stability. These tactics—paired with systematic disinformation campaigns—not only distorted policy positions but also vilified key Democratic figures, making it nearly impossible for many voters to distinguish fact from fiction.

Bob insisted that people inherently fear the left more than the right, and I dismantled that argument by showing how fear is not a natural response but a manufactured one, relentlessly shaped by propaganda. This fear conveniently served as a distraction, allowing the Trump administration to obscure its record of corruption, authoritarian tendencies, and incompetence. Bob consistently overlooked how the right’s success hinged on misinformation, voter suppression, and the manipulation of public perceptions through external interference.

When Bob claimed the election demonstrated a rejection of liberal ideals, I countered with data showing that Trump’s slight victory stemmed from depressed turnout among Gen Z and minority voters, groups heavily targeted by these tactics. Still, Bob maintained that “radical leftists” were to blame, refusing to engage with the evidence I presented about systematic efforts to sway the election.

In one of our more recent exchanges, Bob revisited the same flawed talking points, asserting that Trump’s popular-vote success proved his legitimacy. I reminded him that a massive disinformation effort had made the left seem “scary,” detailing how foreign actors manipulated public discourse to sow division. Rather than grappling with these points, Bob dismissed them, framing the election as an ideological referendum rather than the result of strategic interference and propaganda.

This ongoing back-and-forth with Bob illustrates how misinformation takes root, with individuals clinging to oversimplified narratives despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. His stance exemplifies how disinformation campaigns prey on emotions and fears, creating a distorted view of reality that reinforces existing biases. My discussions with him consistently reinforce the importance of critical thinking, thorough fact-checking, and a keen awareness of how external forces shape political outcomes.

A Unified Call for Vigilance

Taken together, these two threads—“wokeness” as a manufactured crisis and the distortion of election outcomes through disinformation—underscore a central truth: propaganda is a powerful tool, capable of reshaping perceptions and sowing division. Authoritarian forces feed off fear and apathy, twisting democratic values and turning empathy into a liability in the eyes of the misinformed.

If there is any lesson to be gleaned from my conversations with Bob, it’s that standing firm in defense of progressive ideals—and democracy itself—requires constant vigilance. We must not surrender to the calls for “moderation” when confronted by fascist creep; nor should we ignore how manipulation, both foreign and domestic, contorts public opinion. The antidote to disinformation and the weaponization of empathy is an unwavering commitment to truth, equity, and the inclusive principles that form the bedrock of any functioning democracy.

This bullshit is changing every minute – follow on BlueSky for the latest.


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