
Cottage Talks with Cranky Canuck – Healthcare

Episode 2

Well heeeey everybody! Cranky here and today we’re talking about the sorry state of Canadian healthcare. Doug Ford and his buddies are starving it of funds and cutting it to the bone, all so they can sell it off to the highest bidder. It’s not just funding that’s the issue here; they’re also smearing healthcare professionals, denying science, and seeking an Americanized healthcare plan that puts profits before patients!

Privatization is only going to make staffing problems worse and lead to higher death rates and costs. It’s a disastrous concept that’ll have long-lasting negative effects on our province. Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric anymore; Loblaws & Shoppers Drug Mart managing your next surgery is just as horrible an idea as it sounds. Ontario is not facing a healthcare crisis as much as it’s facing a Doug Ford crisis created by Doug Ford. So hands off OUR Healthcare Dougie!

#CrankyCanuck #CrankyCartoons #cdnpoli #CottageTalks #DougFord #cdnpoli #StopPrivatization #HandsOffOurHealthcare #PatientsOverProfits #HealthcareCrisis

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